
Spiritual Disciplines

Becoming a Christian is the beginning of a lifelong journey of obedience to Christ which transforms a person’s values and behavior.  No one accepts Christ and is suddenly spiritually mature.  Everyone begins the journey of spiritual growth at the same place—asking, what does it mean to follow Jesus?  Discipleship is learning to be like Christ (Ephesians 4:20).  Knowing Christ, instead of just knowing about Him, results in a spiritual transformation in life and heart, which reflects Christ to all we encounter.  Christ expects every believer to transform into His image. The call to discipleship is a call to transformation. More importantly, discipleship requires discipline. Being a disciple is a lifelong process of dying to self while allowing Jesus Christ to come alive in us.

“Spiritual disciplines are 100% needed for spiritual growth.”

— Christ Led Diva

Spiritual Discipline Practices

Spiritual growth comes through understanding and practicing the principles that are given in the Word of God.  Where there is no growth, no true life exists.  Spiritual growth is simply matching up our practice with our position. In other words, we are practicing what we preach. This requires we make real and practical life changes. Spiritual disciplines are 100% needed for real spiritual growth.

Daily Quiet Time (Devotion)

Consistently devote part of each day to a quiet time so that you can spend time with the Father. A quiet time is more than a mere habit.  It is an appointment, preferably at the beginning of the day, with Jesus Christ who is at the center of our lives. The only way to do everything that God has called you to is by staying in communion with Him.  A disciple that has their priorities in order has no problem having a daily quiet time with God.  This person thirsts and hungers for more of Him. The realization that we can do nothing without Christ will result in a disciple seeking Him at the beginning of each day for daily instruction. They will ask and allow the Holy Spirit to order their steps throughout the day.

Scriptures to Study

Matthew 6:33

Psalm 63:1

Matthew 22:37-38

John 15:5

Bible Study and Spiritual Meditation

The Bible tells us all we need to know about our relationship with God, and how to live a righteous life.  The quality of our relationship with Him, as well as the life we live, is dependent upon how much time we devote to God’s Word.  Without continuous Bible study you will become spiritually anemic, unchanged, ineffective, and live a defeated life.

Scripture memorization puts God’s Word in your head. Scripture meditation puts it in your heart.  With God’s Word in our hearts, it is readily available for instant use out our mouth and in our actions. The absence of regular involvement with God’s Word keeps you from being the kind of follower Christ wants you to be.  When we meditate on Scripture, we are filling our minds with God and keeping our thoughts focused on things above.  Meditation is deeply thinking on the truths and spiritual realities revealed in Scripture for the purposes of understanding, application and prayer.

Scriptures to Study

Matthew 4:4

2 Timothy 2:15

Joshua 1:8

Psalm 119:11, 97-99


The Bible is God’s main communication with us. Prayer is our way of communicating with Him. Prayer is also a spiritual portal that allows us to audibly hear from God. Because our prayer is a time of intimate conversation with God, it is through our prayer life that we come to know the Lord Jesus in a personal way. It is God’s desire that you seek Him through prayer. If you don’t know what to say in prayer, that is ok. The Holy Spirit helps us know what to pray if our heart is pure in wanting to pray.

From this day forward to make prayer an indispensable part of your life. Spend time with God in prayer for your families, your church, your leaders, your communities, and for your nation. For when our prayer life becomes effective, our relationship with Christ becomes more intimate and real.

Scriptures to Study

Jeremiah 33:3

Romans 8:26

1 John 5:14-16

Ephesians 6:18

Tithes and Offering

God requires His people to make offerings for the maintenance of worship, care for the temple, and salaries of our spiritual leaders. Jesus is the model of generous giving. He said if we generously give to others, God will abundantly give to us. Giving is worship.  It’s a spiritual sacrifice and expression of gratitude, because everything we have comes from God. 

The way in which you give an offering to God is as important as the act itself. Learning to give back to the Lord the things he has given to you is a very important discipline of your spiritual growth. Giving of your tithes and offerings should be sown into your local church home. Additional acts of giving and charity should be given to help believers in need, as well as the poor in your community.

Scriptures to Study

Luke 6:38

2 Corinthians 8:7-9

Deuteronomy 14:28-29

Proverbs 3:9-10

Amos 4:4-5


To serve means dedicating everything we own to advancing the Kingdom of God. A Christian servant is one who realizes that as Christians we live, move, and have our being in Christ. We recognize God as our master and live our lives for Him. This means we dedicate our personality, talent, time, influence, material substances to God for Him to use for His glory.

It is our responsibility to be willing to walk in obedience to the commands and will of God. And God’s will for us as Christians is to serve in our church and serve within our community.

Scriptures to Study

Hebrews 6:10

Galatians 5:13

Romans 12:1

1 Samuel 12:24

Hebrews 9:14