Are You Running from What God Has Called You to Do?

Ladies, I can raise my hand on this one! I believe the Lord has been calling me for years to start working in Ministry, but I was so caught up with what people might say or think about me; or how unequipped I felt I was. Because listen, if you have known me waaaaaay back then, or even a few years back you would feel me……But now I know that I had to go through those things to get to where I am now, so he could use every part of me. Other people saw in me, what I couldn’t see in myself. I’m so thankful that I have people who nurtured this side I’m on now; to help me learn, grow and study the Word of God with confidence.

The sooner we answer our calling in whatever The Lord has called us to do, the sooner we are able to reach back and help/mentor/minister to the ones that have been waiting for us. I believe God has already assigned people to us that we are supposed to help during this lifetime. God uses everything we go through in this life for His glory.

Isaiah 55: 8-9 (CSB): 8“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways”. This is the Lord’s declaration. 9“For as heaven is higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

So, ladies let’s use everything the Lord has given us and apply it to our calling: The good, the bad, the hurt & pain and everything else we acquired along the way. Do you know how far our reach can be!?!? It’s time to overcome our shame, insecurities and the critics…. because in this day and age, everyone is saying something about anyone! We are no different…. especially as Christians in this society.

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT): 10For we are God’s Masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the things he planned for us long ago.

Here’s the Ephesians breakdown from the NLT Life Application Study Bible:

“We are God’s Masterpiece (work of art, workmanship). He alone masterminds our salvation. He
works powerfully and creatively in us. He uses us as his canvas. If God considers us his
masterpiece, we dare not treat ourselves or others with disrespect or as inferior work”.

Let us show up and answer the call! Some of us are the change we are waiting to see in our
schools, churches, political offices, corporations and neighborhoods. Let’s do it all and give God
the glory!

Yvonne Hobbs,

Growing Gracefully

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